Thursday, November 15, 2012

Yes, we are teachers!

Teacher Observation

My Research Methods in Teaching Social Studies class has begun to teach lessons on the American Revolution in a 4th grade classroom!

These experiences have truly allowed us the incredible opportunity to practice what we are learning in our classes.  

The class has broken up into 3 groups and each group is teaching a part of a unit.  It has been an extremely valuable to help develop proficiency as we develop lesson plans, teach and observe the teaching of other groups as well.

Each group has been give the task to develop three lessons
  • Direct Instruction
  • Inquiry
  • Cooperative Learning
Group 2 recently conducted a direct instruction lesson that was evident of the preparation, time and commitment the group put in.

Direct Instruction

The following elements of direct instruction were used when this group presented their lesson on the Declaration of Independence:

Introduction: The group provided a good introduction of themselves and let the class know what they were going to be doing today.

Review: the group administered a pre-assessment to check for prior knowledge and remind students what they have already learned.  Students then used yes/no cards to review their answers--good method to involve all learners!

Focuser:  the students were told what they were going to be learning about today, although there was not a rationale provided for why they were learning about this.

Development:  The teachers developed the lesson by connecting the events of the past with local historical landmarks

Explanation: was provided as the group highlighted the people and events that lead to the creation of the Declaration of Independence

Demonstration and modeling was conducted as all completed a graphic organizer of the reasons for the Declaration of Independence.

Visual Aids:  A powerpoint was used and the teachers completed the graphic organizer on the white board with students.

Monitoring:  Student performance was monitored while completing the activity.

Guided Practice: The students looked at the Declaration of Independence and inserted familiar synonyms for unfamiliar words in order to create understanding.

Closure:  Students completed an exit ticket on what they had learned and each group shared one idea with the class.

Assessment:  Was conducted throughout the lesson
Diagnostic: pre-assessment
Formative: check for understanding throughout the lesson
Summative: through the exit ticket at the end of the lesson

Student Teachers were able to observe the lesson and learned much through the experience


The teachers worked hard in preparing a meaningful lesson which could have been made even better by the following:
  • Less time spent on review
  • More time for teaching material
  • Involved more students in responding to the lesson
  • Remind students the meaning of the graphic organizer
  • Had more time for guided practice activities

Overall they did a great job and we all learned a lot from the experience!
What they did well:
  • Provided clear directions
  • Built on student's prior knowledge
  • Manged class and interactions well
  • Responded well to students
  • Communicated effectively

"No matter how good you get you can always get better, and that's the exciting part."
                                                               -Tiger Woods

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