Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Can Twitter Work in the Classroom?????

Do you view Twitter as a teaching tool???

Check out the link to learn 60 ways that teachers are using Twitter in the  classroom right now!! 


Until recently when I imagined myself in my own classroom teaching, I did not envision Twitter having a place in it at all.  In the review of a number of resources including the blog above, I have re-examined those beliefs.  I do not know that I would use all 60 ways described... but it does have purpose!

I think all the suggestions and ideas have tremendous potential and use, but I think a classroom's use of Twitter will be very dependent on the school's resources, the environment and the age of the students.

As a future teacher I particularly favor the following suggestions:

  • Parent Communication: this could be an efficient way to provide information to parents--parents could then discuss with their children what they did in school that day, rather than hearing students say, "nothing" to the age-old question.
  • Bulletin Board: using twitter to post assignments, provide reminders and make announcements could be extremely useful.
  • Resource for Teachers:in the quest for information and material..yet another tool to explore!
  • Communication with Experts: while seeking expert information both students and teachers can use twitter to make direct contact with specialists and professionals.

Some things to think about when using Twitter:

  • There should be effort to ensure that the use of Twitter in school is indeed school related.
  • Make sure activities are appropriate to the age of the students.
  • Ensure that all students have access to the technology, not just a few.
  • Develop ways to hold students accountable.
  • As a teacher, create ways to use Twitter so that you are not inundated with information and still respond and follow-up as appropriate.

So...Make it meaningful.....

"Constantly talking isn't necessarily communicating."                                                                  -Charlie Kaufman       

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